How to Report a Bug

July 31st, 2023


If there are ever instances where you experience issues with the software such as glitches or bugs, we would like to hear about it! You can submit a bug report using the built-in bug report feature within the Virbela app.

Note: This is not the same as opening a support ticket. If you require assistance with a specific failure not covered in a knowledge base article, please send an email to for support.


You can send a bug report by clicking on the Cog on the top right of your screen and then choosing "Send Bug Report" from the drop-down menu.

From there, a popup window will show up where you can provide us with the details on the bug you are experiencing.

Once done, hit the "Send" button to send the bug report to us. By doing this, you will send us a log that may help us track down the issue.