List of Emotes

July 30th, 2023


Want to be the talk of the meeting? Here is a list of all of the fun emotes you can use in the virtual world.

To use the following emotes, click in the chat box, then type one of the following commands and press enter:

/backflip { /flip }


/cheer { /happy }


/comehere { /followme }

/confuse { /confused }

/cry { /sad }

/dance { /gangnam }

/dance2 { /capoeira /braziliandance /breakdance }

/handsin { /allhandsin /teamcheer /handin /armin /break }

/impatient { /toetap }

/laugh { /haha }

/powerpose { /power }

/raisehand { /question /handraise }


/shakehand { /shake /shakehands }

/think { /ponder }

/thumbsup { /thumbup }

/thumbsupexcited { /thumbsup! /thumbupexcited /stokedthumbsup /thumbsup2 }


Using Function keys on Windows 

F1 = Wave

F2 = Cheer

F3 = Shake Hands

F4 = Clap

F5 = Thinking

F6 = Confused

F7 = Dance

F8 = Impatient 

F9 = View Avatar ("Selfie")

Using the Function keys on Mac

How to Enable Standard Function Keys

  1. On your Mac, click Launchpad > System Preferences.
  2. From there, click Keyboard, then click Use F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys.
  3. You will need to press the Fn key in the lower left corner of your keyboard plus the corresponding function key to complete an action.